
Unreleased Bell Palm Pre Unboxed!

** Update – We had to remove the video from YouTube, I guess we crossed some sort of line. However, the pics are up here and we’ll have a full review shortly **

The Bell Palm Pre is one of the most anticipated devices to hit Canada in a long time. Yes the Apple iPhone is of similar hype, but there is something special about the Palm Pre that warrants attention. It could be the fact that it has an simplistic style, or the resolution of its screen, or possibly even the ease of use with new webOS platform.

Regardless of its reasons, the Palm Pre will be an incredible success in Canada and we are only the 2nd country in the world to launch it! You’ll see in the video that the Bell Palm Pre has similar packaging as previous Palm devices over the past year, but the device is drastically different. The Pre feels incredible in the hand, like it’s meant to be there. Clean, smooth rounded edges with a dominant display.

We are proud to bring you the unboxing of the Bell Palm Pre… Initial boot up time took a bit, but the Palm Pre is worth the wait:

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