
Rogers started work on expanding 5G to rest of TTC subway

Once completed, Rogers says wireless coverage, including 5G data, voice and 911, will be available at all 75 stations and in all tunnels

TTC electrician installing Rogers cable in a subway tunnel.

Rogers began construction on the next phase of its TTC subway cellular network this week, which will see 5G services and 911 access for all riders expanded to the remaining underground tunnels.

In an email press release, the Toronto-based telecom said it started work in the tunnels between Kennedy and Warden stations on Line 2. The company is working with the TTC to expand the network “in phases to connect the remaining 36 kilometres of unconnected tunnels.” Rogers said the work will be completed during overnight and weekend construction windows in an effort to minimize disruptions for riders.

Rogers says that once completed, the expanded 5G network will bring cellular coverage to all 75 stations and tunnels across the TTC.

Rogers began adding 5G to the TTC last August and turned on 5G service in the busiest areas for all riders in October. In December, Rogers completed upgrades to the legacy network and enabled 5G service for all riders at all remaining stations and in the tunnels of the Vaughan extension between Sheppard West and Vaughan.

The company acquired BAI Communications’ Canadian division in April 2023, which held the rights to build wireless networks for the TTC subway. The move sparked criticism from Telus and Bell. Prior to the acquisition, Freedom Mobile was the only Canadian carrier to make use of BAI’s infrastructure to provide cellular connectivity on the TTC.

Header image credit: Rogers

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