
Over 37 percent of Canadian couples are ‘Netflix cheating,’ says study

You start a TV show with your significant other under the assumption that you’re both going to continue watching the content together as a joint activity.

Then, one night, you find yourself alone, struggling with the temptation of launching Netflix on your phone and hitting play on just one more episode. This is what the popular streaming platform calls ‘Netflix cheating.’

According to a recent global survey conducted by Netflix consisting of 30,000 couples that use the service, 37 percent of Canadian couples and 46 percent of couples in the U.S., end up ‘Netflix cheating.’ 76 percent of Canadians say they don’t plan to Netflix cheat, but end up falling into the the trap anyways while getting caught up in binge watching session. Furthermore, 57 percent of Canadians don’t see Netflix cheating as a bad thing.

Netflix cheating infographic
Finally, and perhaps this is the most telling statistic, seven percent of streaming couples think watching ahead is worse than having an actual affair. The infographic continues by revealing that 63 percent of those cheating say they plan to continue to do so as long as they know they won’t get caught.

While a painfully silly study, in the era of binge watch, which was at least in part created by Netflix releasing full seasons of TV shows simultaneously, hurting a significant other’s feelings by watching an episode of Orange is the New Black without them, can often become a point of contention for some couples.

Source: Canadian News Wire

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