Apps & Software

Alphabet’s experimental Other Bets division lost $3.6 billion in 2015, but that’s okay

Alphabet, Google’s parent company, lost a significant amount of money on “moonshot” concepts like self-driving cars and hot air balloons last quarter, but given the company’s impressive recent financial results – topping $21 billion USD, an 18 percent increase over last year – not making profit on forward thinking projects isn’t a concern for the tech giant.

For the first time, Alphabet separated what it calls “Other Bets” from the rest of the company’s financials, giving us an in-depth look at how its speculative projects – Google Fiber, Nest, X and even its self driving car efforts – actually fare financially.

Alphabet lost nearly $3.6 billion USD in 2015 on its Other Bets moonshot projects, a number that’s considerably worse than 2014’s $1.9 billion USD in loses on the same projects.

The company is in no hurry to figure out if these experimental projects are viable, with advertising revenue coming in at $19 billion USD a quarter, Google has money to blow on figuring out the future of the technology industry.

Related reading: Google Q4 revenue soars on higher mobile ad earnings


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