
Readitfor.me helps you become well-read without reading hundreds of pages for $39

They say that the most successful businesspeople are well read, so your first instinct might be to hit the library to consume as much content as possible. But if your eyes are glued to the books, when will you ever find time to grow your business? If you’re torn between finding time for your company and your own professional development, Readitfor.me has condensed must-read material for just $38.83 a year.

Readitfor.me is a subscription service offering an ever-expanding library of popular book summaries. The library is curated from classics, best-sellers, books on how to be an effective business owner, and more. Readitfor.me finds the most practical takeaways from each of these books and condenses them into palatable 12 minute summaries. With a standard plan, you’ll have access to over 300 book summaries as well as new titles added to Readitfor.me’s library. Its library includes popular titles such as Made to Stick, To Sell Is Human, Leaders Eat Last, and more.

If you want to be an effective entrepreneur and leader, you need to expose yourself to new ideas, and Readitfor.me’s 12 minute summaries make it easy to do so. You can sign up for a year for $38.83, or a lifetime for $266.41.

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Readitfor.me Standard Plan: 1-Yr Subscription – $29

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