
Artists can pay Spotify to promote their music on your Home feed

The new 'Showcase' feature will be available to eligible U.S. artists first before expanding in the coming months

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Spotify started rolling out ‘Showcase‘ this week, a new feature that lets artists pay to promote their music on Spotify’s Home feed.

Yup, you read that right. Next time you open Spotify on your phone, you might see a prominent placement highlighting music that the artist paid to put there.

Artists can select a song or a whole album to appear in the banner. Further, they can target the banner to a certain type of listener from 30 markets at launch. The Showcase banners will also note that recommendations are sponsored.

Spotify will start by rolling out Showcase to eligible U.S. artists before expanding the feature to more locations in the coming months. U.S. artists can find Showcase in the ‘Campaigns’ tab. To become eligible, artists need at least 1,000 streams over the last 28 days in at least one of the available target markets, and the artist’s billing country must be set to the U.S.

The music streamer will also let artists customize who they target with Showcase, whether that’s promoting to the artist’s dedicated fans or to listeners who previously streamed an artist’s content but haven’t streamed in a while.

You can learn more about Showcase here.

Source: Spotify, (2) Via: The Verge

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