
iPhone 16 Pro Max to sport 48-megapixel primary, ultrawide shooters

The iPhone 16 Pro is only expected to get an upgrade ultrawide sensor

iPhone 15 Pro Max cameras

Apple releases new iPhones every year, and 2024 will be no different. A new leak about the iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max indicates that the new flagships will feature 48-megapixel cameras.

According to Weibo user OvO Baby Sauce OvO, the 16 Pro Max will feature Sony’s advanced custom IMX903 sensor, whereas the iPhone 16 Pro will sport the same IMX803 sensor found on the 15 Pro models.

The company is also working on a new ultrawide camera for the 16 Pro model. This sensor should capture more light, especially in low-light conditions. The camera should feature a 48-megapixel sensor, compared to the 12-megapixel sensors on the 15 Pro models.

Earlier this year, Digital Chat Stationanother Weibo user, said that the iPhone 16 Pro Max would feature a better camera than last year’s model. This leak said that the 16 Pro Max’s camera would offer advanced features like a stacked design for improved performance, a 14-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) that also sports high-quality image data conversion, and Digital Gain Control (DCG) that features dynamic range and noise control.

The iPhone 16 Pro series is expected to launch later this year, but only the 16 Pro Max will get the updated primary shooter; if you don’t want the smaller variant, you’ll need to wait for the 17 Pro in 2025 to get the advanced primary sensor.

Source: Weibo: OvO Baby Sauce OvO Via: MacRumors

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