
Google plans to surpass competition with Gemini, its upcoming AI tool

The AI tool will be powered by Google’s large language models (LLMs) and an AI image generation technology

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Google is reportedly working on a new AI product that will pair text and image generation, as well as other features, to create a multifunctional tool that surpasses its competitors.

As shared by TheInformation, Via AndroidPolice, the new project will be called Gemini, and it will be led by former members of Google Brain and DeepMind, including Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

Gemini will likely be in use by Google employees sometime this fall, and it will be revealed to app developers by the end of the year. The AI tool will be powered by Google’s large language models (LLMs) and an AI image generation technology similar to DALL-E and Stable Diffusion.

Gemini may also be integrated into Google’s suite of products, such as Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Photos. Developers will be able to access Gemini through the Google Cloud server rental unit, where they will have to pay a fee.

The report states that Google has been using YouTube video transcripts as one of the sources of data to train Gemini. However, the company is also careful to avoid any legal issues with the data it uses for training. Google’s lawyers are monitoring the materials used during training to ensure they do not violate any copyrights.

With Gemini, Google hopes to offer a more comprehensive and versatile AI product that can cater to various needs and tasks. Where that leaves the company’s Bard AI is yet to be seen.

Read more about Gemini here.

Source: TheInformation, Via AndroidPolice

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