
iOS 17 to improve QR code scanning on iPhone’s camera

A new practical change for scanning QR codes is expected to release with the latest iOS

Apple looks to have plans to bring much-welcomed quality-of-life upgrades to the iPhone’s QR code scanning when iOS 17 releases in fall 2023.

It appears that devices equipped with iOS 17 will have the link to the QR code content appear at the bottom of the screen. Although this might not seem like a groundbreaking update, it should make accessing QR codes slightly easier.

The first time Apple allowed QR code scanning through its camera app was when iOS 11 launched. Once scanned, the link would appear as a notification at the top of the iPhone’s display, much like a traditional push notification.

From there, iOS 13 saw the link hover over the QR code in real-time through the on-screen camera display as a yellow button. The link would also move with the camera, making it difficult for some users to click it seamlessly. Thankfully, the iOS 17 update will see this feature removed, making for easy scanning and clicking from start to finish.

The simple but elegant move from Apple is expected to debut with iOS 17 later this year, which is also expected to support auto removal of tracking within URLs across Safari and other apps.

Image credit: Apple

Via: MacRumors

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