
Google announces Veo and Imagen 3 AI models to help creators

Donald Glover is working on a film using Google's Veo

At Google I/O 2024, the AI powerhouse unveiled Imagen 3, a text-to-image model, and Veo, which applies AI to high-definition video.

Imagen 3 will allow creators to produce images with realistic lighting and fewer artifacts. Previous text-to-image models would cause artifacts and make them look digital and unrealistic. Supposedly, Imagen 3 can prevent this from happening.

Conversely, Veo offers a generative video model that can make different animations, whether surrealist, realistic, or other cinema styles. Veo can create and let users edit high-quality videos with text, an image or a video prompt.

Google also says that Donald Glover (Community) is working on a film using Google’s Veo.

Find all of our Google I/O 2024 coverage here.

Image credit: Google (screenshot)

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