
Trudeau tells Poilievre to ‘touch grass’ on social media

Political attacks are going Gen Z

Justin Trudeau at desk

The battle between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has heated up in a rather strange way.

On X (Twitter), Poilievre posted an image on July 31st titled “How To Do Communism,” outlining a series of events that starts with “establish a new communist utopia” and leads to people working for free, starving to death and more. In a caption for the image, Poilievre wrote “Sign here to have a Prime Minister who doesn’t admire basic communist dictatorships” alongside a link to a page to support the Conservative Party.

A day later, Trudeau’s official X account shared a screenshot of Poilievre’s post along with a simple “I think this guy needs to touch grass” retort.

Frankly, it’s a little odd to see a 52-year-old man use such internet speak, but hey, anything goes in a political battle, I suppose.

As it stands, the federal election will take place on or before October 25th, 2025.

Image credit: Justin Trudeau 

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