
Google unveils Gemini Live, a mobile experience that aims to replace friends

These experiences will be available in the upcoming months

Gemini Live

At Google I/O 2024, the Mountain View company announced Gemini Live, a new conversational experience for mobile.

Soon, Gemini Live will be available to advanced subscribers, allowing them to speak to Gemini more naturally. Live will let users talk to Gemini and choose various natural-sounding voices. You can also speak at your own pace, interrupt mid-response, and ask for clarification.

It seems that Google is trying to make a friend you can speak to in your pocket. Google says Gemini Live will be able to help people prepare for an important speech, practice for a job interview, and more.

Gemini Live will also use technology from Astra and let you use your camera, similar to the Project Astra demo. Gemini Live will be able to do this later this year.

Alongside Gemini Live, Gemini Advanced customers can make complex trip plans. Below is the example that Google gives:

Imagine you ask Gemini: “My family and I are going to Miami for Labor Day. My son loves art and my husband really wants fresh seafood. Can you pull my flight and hotel info from Gmail and help me plan the weekend?”

Gemini will use all the information provided and take into account your preferences, locations, and more. It will also add how long it takes to travel between the different locations and grab details from your flight information from Gmail, use Google Maps, and use Search to recommend activities.

This experience will also be coming to Gemini Advanced in the upcoming months.

Interestingly, this seems like a better Gemini experience and more like a new and improved Google Assistant.

Google will also let users customize Gemini Advanced by creating ‘Gems.’ Gems will let you set up commands, similar to Assistant commands, but using AI. The example given by Google is the following:

You’re my running coach, give me a daily running plan and be positive, upbeat and motivating.

Gemini will be able to understand you and provide a positive, upbeat running coach each day.

Find all of our Google I/O 2024 coverage here.

Image credit: Google

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