
Match’s new personal dating coaches will help users navigate online dating

Dating apps on iPhone

Match’s newest feature, AskMatch, aims to ease the process of online dating by giving users a professional dating coach within its app.

Users will be able to call their dating coach directly. The dating coaches offer advice to users through one-on-one phone sessions. They will offer guidance and tips, but are also available to simply listen to the user, according to Match.

“Members will have the support they need from their coach as they navigate dating in general, not just online,” said Katie Wilson, Match’s head dating coach, in a recent blog post.

Users will get personalized advice based on their questions and experiences. They can also get help to create the perfect text message.

The app is meant to further Match’s aim to create personal human connections, according to Match.

“We can offer you a supportive sounding board and straight-forward advice, no matter what you’re going through,” said Wilson.

The dating coaches have a range of expertise and are also able to help users overcome a breakup.

As of now, AskMatch is only available in New York City, with plans to expand the service in the future.

Source: Match

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