
Arcane’s second and last season gets its first full trailer

I'm sad the series was ending since I was hoping for an Arcane cinematic universe

Netflix has released a trailer for Arcane’s second season, featuring characters like Cailtlyn, Ekko, Vi, and Jinx.  At the end of the trailer, we see that Vi and Jinx will finally go head-to-head.

Unfortunately, this will be the final chapter of Arcane. Co-creator of the series, Christian Linke, had this to say about the series during a League Dev Update

“Arcane is just the beginning of our larger storytelling journey and partnership with the wonderful animation studio that is Fortiche. From the very beginning, since we started working on this project, we had a very specific ending in mind, which means the story of Arcane wraps up with this second season. But Arcane is just the first of many stories that we want to tell in Runeterra.”

While I’m sad that Arcane is ending, I’m far more excited to start watching season 2 in November finally. The first season aired all the way back in November of 2021, and it was a smash hit, with a stylish animation style, cool fight scenes and the opportunity to learn more League of Legends characters.

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