
Several Canadian carriers impacted by roaming outage [Update]

Some U.S. carriers are also experiencing a roaming outage

Cell Tower

Some Canadian carriers are reportedly dealing with roaming outages caused by third-party network service providers.

So far, Bell has confirmed an issue via its support account on Twitter/X. MobileSyrup also learned that Freedom is impacted, though it’s not clear if Bell and Freedom’s issues stem from the same source. Also of note, several U.S. carriers are having roaming issues.

In a series of tweets, Bell outlined that some customers using services outside of Canada “may experience service problems due to an issue impacting several wireless providers across the world.” Bell says it’s working with partners to restore service, with the latest update on June 28th saying it was “making progress in the resolution.”

Update 28/06/2024 at 5:15pm ET: In a statement to MobileSyrup, Freedom Mobile said: “Connectivity is progressively being restored for all users. We are closely monitoring the situation and are hopeful that the issue will be fully resolved shortly.” Freedom also shared updates about the issue on Twitter.

The original details follow below.

Meanwhile, MobileSyrup learned that Freedom Mobile customers may experience intermittent LTE data connectivity issues when roaming on partner networks. However, this includes both international and domestic roaming, which means Freedom customers in Canada may be impacted if they leave Freedom’s coverage area.

Freedom is working on a resolution with its partners but doesn’t yet have a timeline for when the problem will be resolved.

Update 28/06/2024 at 3:05pm ET: Telus is also impacted by a roaming outage, according to a notice on the company’s outages pageThanks Nicholas!

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