
First Tesla Cybertruck fatality reported after crash and fire

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) says it's investigating the crash


A Tesla Cybertruck was involved in a fatal car crash in Chambers County, Texas. This is believed to be the first fatality associated with a Cybertruck.

However, per Reuters, no official details have been revealed outside of video footage showing the electric vehicle being engulfed in flame. For now, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has only confirmed that a single man, the driver, was killed, although he has yet to be identified. The group says it’s investigating the incident to learn more.

So far, all we can rule out is that this fatality wasn’t due to self-driving like more than a dozen Tesla accidents, given that the Cybertruck doesn’t support the Autopilot feature. Beyond that, though, it remains to be seen what may have caused the crash.

The first reported Cybertruck incident happened in late 2023, although it was a minor incident that left the vehicle and driver largely unscathed. Roughly 15,000 Cybertrucks have been sold since the car launched late last year, with NHTSA confirming that four have been recalled to date.

So far, the vehicle has been criticized for poor build quality, ugly design and price hikes.

Image credit: Tesla

Source: Reuters

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