
Phil Spencer says Xbox ‘should have a handheld’

The head of Xbox also talked about how much he likes other PC handhelds like the ROG Ally

Xbox Series X

After the Xbox Games Showcase, IGN interviewed Xbox chief Phil Spencer, who spilled some details about a possible Xbox handheld. “I think we should have a handheld, too,” said Spencer in the interview.

In the interview, Spencer also mentions that this event was to focus on games, but in the future, he plans to share more about the platform. He also said, “The future of hardware for us is pretty awesome. The work that the team is doing around different form factors and different ways to play, I’m incredibly excited about.”

While PlayStation has its own portable, it can only stream games and not play them locally. Conversely, Spencer leads us to believe that Xbox’s handheld will play games locally. “I like my ROG Ally, my Lenovo Legion Go, my Steam Deck. I think being able to play games locally is really important,” said Spencer.

It’s possible that the Xbox would be Windows-based, but it will also offer the Xbox dashboard and play Xbox games. I’m a big fan of the ROG Ally, and I love being able to play Xbox Game Pass titles alongside Steam games.

Source: IGN

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