
Musk is working on his own generative AI project for Twitter

Twitter has recently purchased roughly 10,000 GPUs which are likely to be used on a large AI model for the platform.

After co-signing an open letter addressed to AI labs globally to pause the development of large-scale AI systems, Elon Musk seems to be working on an AI project within Twitter.

According to sources familiar with the matter (via Business Insider) Twitter has recently purchased roughly 10,000 GPUs (graphics processing units), which are likely to be used on a large AI model for the platform.

Musk is committed to the project, which is evident by the purchase of 10,000 GPUs, however, according to sources familiar with the matter, the project is at an early stage. It’s currently unclear what Musk’s AI project would focus on. Likely use cases could be to better target users with ads or to improve the search functionality on the platform.

Further, according to Business Insider, Musk hired Igor Babuschkin and Manuel Kroiss from Alphabet-owned AI research firm DeepMind in March to help him on his AI endeavour that would rival OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

It’s worth noting that Musk co-founded OpenAI alongside Sam Altman and others, though he walked away from the company in 2018.

Could it be that Musk’s open letter to pause development of large-scale AI models was so that he could secretly play catch up? It wouldn’t be surprising if that was the case.

Source: Business Insider

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