
New service Binge aims to be the future of gaming entertainment

Binge and chill?

Yet another streaming video platform is on the horizon.

Binge is an upcoming free streaming platform set to launch in 2022 that features premium original series, shows and movies based on the most prominent video game universes and content creators. The platform will offer an on-demand content service that’s streamable on TVs, mobiles, tablets, computers, and even gaming consoles.

“When I directed Uncharted, the film, with Nathan Fillion starring as Nathan Drake, it was designed to be a love letter for the gaming community but to also prove there was a place for these kinds of adaptations; it was about staying loyal to the IP and the DNA of that world,” said Allan Ungar, the chief content officer at Binge, in a statement. “The support the film received shed light on the fact that there is a real demand for this kind of content. Now we are thrilled to bring that same passion and fandom to binge.com. But, most importantly, to create an opportunity for gamers around the world to actively contribute and help define the future of games entertainment with us.”

The idea behind Binge is to make high-quality and premium entertainment content for gamers around the world. Binge was formed by a group of seasoned content producers brought together by their love of gaming.

Binge says it has already established development collaborations with some of the world’s most well-known content producers, game publishers and studios to make premium original series in retro, indie and blockbuster genres.

“What sets Binge apart is that we’re bridging the gap between gaming and traditional entertainment — bringing the best of both worlds together. With our extensive background and expertise in production, gaming and development we’re fully committed to deliver high-quality content that respects the games we love,” said Cody Hackman, chief strategy officer & Binge co-founder, in a recent statement.

Binge says it will also include unique features like ‘Squad Parties’ that will allow you and your friends to watch content together, all while earning prizes for viewing series and shows on your TV, mobile, PC, Mac, Linux, or gaming consoles.

While the idea of a gaming-centric streaming service looks attractive on paper, the platform finding immediate success could be unlikely. For example, will these video game-themed movies and adaptions be available solely on Binge? If yes, what does that licensing look like? If not, why would someone bother going to Binge when they can watch the show/movie on their ever-dependable Netflix/Amazon Prime account? Further, to Binge’s credit, it says that all content on the platform will be exclusive to the service.

We will, hopefully, have answers soon as Hackman says, “Over the coming months, we’ll share more information as we set the stage to welcome fans to the ultimate platform for original gaming entertainment.”

Source: Binge

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