
Watch this humanoid robot sit in a chair very creepily

Another day, another creepy robot

Unitree G1

Not to be outdone by Boston Dynamics’ all-electric Atlas, watch above as the Unitree G1 sits on a chair in what might be the most unsettling way possible.

Enjoy as China-based robotics company Optimus’ new humanoid robot called the G1 contorts in odd positions while setting itself up to relax on a couch (do robots relax)? Why was the G1 designed to move like this? Who knows, but it’s certainly a little scary.

The robot, which sells for $16,000 USD ($21,842 CAD), seems to be very maneuverable, and in the brief video launch video, we see the G1 stand up from a sitting position, get kicked/punched, and curl into a little ball to make it easier to carry around.

The robot itself is 121cm (4ft) tall, 60cm (2 inches) wide and can run 7.2km/h (4.5mph). There’s even a quick-release battery that powers the humanoid machine, allowing you to easily give it extra juice. And finally, because everything needs to have AI, the G1 features artificial intelligence focused on imitation and reinforcement-driven learning.

All I know is I don’t want to run into this robot in a dark alley.

Image credit: Unitree

Source: Unitree Via: Inverse 

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