
How to stop games from crashing in Delta Nintendo iOS emulator

Turning off 'Context Menu Previews' can save you app

This past weekend, I experienced issues with a fan-translated game running on iOS Nintendo emulator Delta that caused the entire app to crash every time I tried to play it.

To solve this problem, you need to delete a file on Delta by long-pressing and deleting it from the pop-up menu. This also launches a preview of the game. When I tried to do this with the file I wanted to delete, the game preview still froze my app.

To circumvent this issue, head to Delta’s settings, scroll down to the Haptic Touch section, and disable the ‘Context Menu Previews.’ When this is turned off, it no longer demos the game when you long-press on a title’s cover art. This allows you to delete the game without running it and avoid the full emulator crash.

I actually like turning this off since I don’t need to run a demo whenever I want to change a game’s skin or load a save. Turning it off makes the context menu a little more streamlined.

For more on Delta, check out my in-depth guide on how to customize the emulator.

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