
This Canadian indie game is ‘Vampire Survivors meets Pokémon’

A two-person team is working on the game, which aims to use cooperative creatures to shake up the "bullet hell" formula

Wildkeepers Rising

Vancouver-based Lioncode Games (Mech Armada) has unveiled Wildkeepers Rising, a new PC game that’s pitched as a mix between Vampire Survivors and Pokémon.

The idea is that you’re in a Vampire Survivors-like ‘bullet hell’ style setting in which waves of enemies come at you, and you need to use your bullets (in this case, actual Pokémon-esque “Guardian” monsters) to help you fight back. They’ll generally attack automatically, but you can command them to unleash special moves as you wield your own weapons, like swords and bows, for standard attacks.

Notably, the game is being made by just two people: Lioncode founder Sergio Garces in Vancouver and art director Lyle Moore in Halifax. In a hands-off media preview, the pair said they’re sitting at 18 Guardians, but the goal is to add even more leading up to launch.

In the preview, Moore also said the team is drawing inspiration from Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away), Jim Henson (The Dark Crystal) and the late Akira Toriyama (Dragon Ball) for the art of Wildkeepers Rising.

A release date has not yet been confirmed for Wildkeepers Rising, but you can wishlist the game now on Steam.

Image credit: Lioncode Games

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