
Epic Games Store is offering 100 precent net revenue for devs for 6 months

Developers and publishers can enroll in the program until December 31st, 2024

Epic is incentivizing game publishers and developers with titles on other third-party PC stores to port their games over to the Epic Games store.

Under its ‘Now on Epic’ incentive program, the game store is giving publishers and developers 100 percent of the net revenue from user spending for the first six months. This is up from 88 percent.

“After this initial six-month run, participating titles will continue to benefit from Epic’s industry-leading 88 percent/12 precent revenue split,” wrote Epic.

The move will help publishers and developers re-release its games and reach new, incremental audiences, and ensure that the content people are looking for can be consistently discovered.

According to Epic, to be able to participate in the program, publishers/developers would need to commit at least three of its games that have been released prior to October 31st, 2023, and are currently live on a different PC store. “Participants that do not have three products currently live that meet the above criteria must bring over all products that are live,” wrote Epic.

Developers and publishers can enroll in the program until December 31st, 2024, and their games must be released on the Epic Games Store by June 30th, 2025.

Learn more about the program here.

Source: Epic Games

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