
Google Assistant Reminders update lets you send tasks to friends and family

This collaborative aspect steps Reminders game way up

Google is rolling out an update to the Google Assistant-based Reminders function that lets you ask it to send reminders to other people.

For example, if you said to your Google Assistant, “remind Gord to buy fruit at 5:30 PM,” then Gord would get a notification on his phone alerting him that you’ve set a reminder for him. Another reminder would also be sent to him when the task is due.

When Gord completes that task and marks it as done on his phone, the sender gets a notification letting them know it’s been completed.

Just like a regular Google Assistant Reminder, if you use voice controls to set it, you can set it to either alert the recipient at a specific time or location, as reported by Engadget.

To round out this feature set, users can ask Assistant questions like “what are my reminders for Gord” or “what are my reminders from Gord.”

It’s worth adding that Engadget notes smart displays like the Nest Hub and Google Assistant-enabled devices like Google Home will only be able to receive Reminder notifications. Users can only mark an item complete on their phones for now.

To reign this in, Google’s made it so it only works with users who are in the same Family Group. If you want to add kids who are under the age of 13, you need to use the Family Link app.

On top of all this, you can send Reminders to people who are voice-matched to the same Google Assistant-enabled speakers. Whoever you’re trying to send Reminders to must also be in your Google contacts app.

Engadget does mention that you can also block users from sending you tasks.

Source: Engadget

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