
Videotron launches a Facebook Messenger chatbot called Chillico

Videotron chatbot

Videotron recently announced the launch of a Facebook Messenger chatbot, marking the first of its kind from a Canadian telecom provider.

Using artificial intelligence technology, Chillico will converse with users to recommend selections from the ilico.tv video-on-demand catalogue.

“Chillico is our first experiment with chatbots. It will give us more information about how our customers interact with this type of innovative service. In the long term, we expect to learn how we can permanently incorporate bots into our customer service toolkit,” explains Julie Brault, vice president of branding & Ominchannel digital strategy, in a statement.

To use Chillico, users need only to start talking to it using the greeting “Hello Chillico.” Based on identifiers like the user’s desired genre, age and areas of interest. The bot will then suggest titles based on that information.

Source: Videotron 

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