
Virgin rolls out new Back-to-School promo plans

Virgin Mobile has unleash some new Back-to-School plans, plus have also renamed current plans. Let’s start with the new names. First, the “Canada-Wide Talk and Text” plans will now be known as the “CHOICE” plans. The reason for the shift is to give members (subscribers) the “ultimate flexibility of choice,” basically still offering up the choice of either unlimited text, or Voicemail and Caller display. Next is the “Smartphone” plan. These have been rebranded as “COMBO” plans.

All the plans stay the same, but a quick note is that the Virgin $35/month City Unlimited will be increasing to $40/month. Here’s are the other promos coming out tomorrow:

Combo – Smartphone 63
– 200 Anytime minutes
– Unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 6PM
– Unlimited Canada-Wide talk and text to 10 buddies
– Unlimited text, video and picture messaging
– 1GB data

Combo – Smartphone 73
– 200 Anytime minutes
– Unlimited evenings and weekends starting at 6PM
– Unlimited Canada-Wide talk and text to 10 buddies
– Unlimited text, video and picture messaging
– 3GB data

These all seem to be live on Virgin now, so make sure you check them out here.
(Thanks tipster!)

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