
Google brings VR to Google Maps with Cardboard easter egg

Google Cardboard has evolved in leaps and bounds since its debut at Google I/O earlier this year. It’s gone from distribution of a few thousand (it was given free to Google I/O keynote attendees) to 500,000 as of last week. Google is also giving the VR headset its own section in the Play Store. And this week, the company revealed another tidbit of Cardboard related news.

This little VR easter egg was revealed on Google+ earlier this week and is accessed through Google Maps. To activate it, all you do is double tap the ‘look around’ button. Of course, you need a Cardboard to enjoy this, so make sure you hit up Google’s Cardboard portal for a list of sellers (or instructions to make your own).

Cardboard is available from multiple companies manufacturing their own versions based on Google’s specifications. As a result, there are barebones options for as little as $15, or more sophisticated models (like this one fashioned from aluminium) for $50.


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