
Humble Bundle 6 for Android launches with seven games and a few soundtracks


The pay-what-you-want Humble Bundle collection has launched its sixth Android iteration today, with six cross-platform games that work on Windows, OS X, Linux and, of course, Android phones and tablets.

The fare this time doesn’t include familiar fare, but the quality remains universally high. Five games, including Aquaria, Fractal, Frozen Synapse, Stealth Bastard and Pulse are making their Android debuts, and if you spend higher than the average you’ll get Frozen Synapse and Broken Sword as well, bringing your total to seven games.

Particularly noteworthy are Aquaria, which looks like a really fun puzzle-action game, and Fractal, which is an intriguing puzzler that should fill up many hours.

As always, the games are DRM-free and redeemable on Steam (the Windows/OS X versions, anyway) and the offer comes with soundtracks for all seven games.

Via: Humble Bundle

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