LG is launching another entry into the crowded Android smartphone market with the Optimus LTE Tag. Though only announced right now for South Korean consumers, the Optimus LTE Tag fleshes out the increasingly common NFC feature in modern smartphones to new heights. Along with a built-in NFC chip, LG is launching Tag+, an app to communicate with pre-programmed stickers or “tags” that can automate certain functions like muting your device, starting an app or activating WiFi. The example the company has given for a user to touch his or her phone against a pre-programmed tag when entering a car in order to activate and pair the phone to a Bluetooth headset.
“Our goal is to offer the widest variety of LTE smartphones in the industry in 2012,” said Dr. Jong-seok Park, President and CEO of LG Mobile Communications Company. “The Optimus LTE Tag isn’t just a cosmetically-enhanced version of Optimus LTE, it offers a truly innovative feature which we think really makes a smartphone smarter.”
The Tag boasts a 1.2Ghz dual-core processor, 4.3-inch WVGA display, a 5MP camera, a 1700mAh battery, running on Android 2.3 (though an ICS upgrade will be offered later this year).
Source: LG Newswire
Via: The Verge
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