
CRTC issues first violatons against broken NDCL rules

do-not-call-me-telemarketerFinally. 6.7 million Canadians took the time to sign up for the National Do Not Call List (DNCL) hoping to stop those pesky telemarketers from calling. Even though there has been heavy debate on the CRTC selling the list, Chair Konrad von Finckenstein says that’s just an “Urban Myth”.

Today marks a historic date in Canada for the DNCL. In April 2009, the stats showed a total of 70 warning letters have been issued to telemarketers who failed to obey the DNCL rules, none of them has been fined the max penalty of $15,000 per violation… until today.

The CRTC has issued the first Notices of Violation against two telemarketers who broke the DNCL Rules. Leonard Katz, the CRTC’s Vice-Chairman of Telecommunications said “Although most telemarketers are abiding by the rules, we will use the enforcement tools at our disposal to promote compliance. The Notices of Violation we have issued serve as a warning to telemarketers that we will not look the other way if they break the rules and invade the privacy of consumers.”

No word about who the telemarketers are, but they have 30 days to pay up or appeal the charges.

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