
Samsung to unveil way to type on phone using selfie camera at CES 2020

A contactless way of typing

Samsung SelfieType

Samsung has revealed that it will show off “five innovative projects” from its ‘C-Lab’ research hub at CES 2020.

Most notably, one of these projects is ‘SelfieType,’ which uses an AI algorithm and a front-facing camera to create a virtual keyboard experience. This means that smartphone, tablet and laptop users will be able to type into their device by moving their fingers in front of the camera — no contact required.

The four other C-Lab projects are:

  • Becon — combines an app and handheld-device to analyze the user’s scalp and suggest ways to prevent hair loss
  • Hyler — a smart highlighter pen that digitizes text on paper into a mobile app
  • SunnySide — a window-shaped device that creates artificial sunlight that changes every hour to match real sunlight patterns
  • Ultra V — helps manage skin condition by recording ultraviolet rays that can be monitored and integrated into wearable devices

More information on all these projects will be revealed at some point during CES, which runs from January 7th to 10th in Las Vegas.

Source: Samsung

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