
HQ Trivia’s ‘Friends on HQ’ feature is now available in Canada

HQ Trivia

HQ Trivia’s new social feature, called ‘Friends on HQ,’ is now available in Canada and the U.S.

The update is being gradually pushed out so if it hasn’t hit your device yet it should soon. The feature first launched in the U.K. a few weeks ago but now seems to be rolling out to additional regions.

Sliding to the left, in-app when a live game is available, reveals anyone you’ve added to your friend list, along with other players currently in the game. You’re also able to view how many games they’ve played, their wins and the furthest they’ve made it in a single match.

HQ Trivia is a live trivia game that asks players 12 skill testing questions for the chance to win a cash prize. Winnings are then automatically deposited into your connected PayPal account.

HQ Trivia reportedly has plans to launch other social features in the future, including sharing photos of your disappointed face in-app when you get that third really easy question wrong.

There are also rumours that Robert De Niro may co-host the next episode of HQ trivia –April 18th at 3pm EST — following Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s guest appearance in the app last week.

HQ Trivia is available for iOS and Android.

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