
Master the Language Behind Every Browser with this JavaScript Training

From Firefox to Chrome, JavaScript is the engine that powers today’s browsers. That means if you’re an aspiring front-end developer, it’s in your best interest to learn JavaScript first. Thankfully, doing so won’t take long thanks to the Essential JavaScript Coding Bundle, which walks you through the ins and outs of programming with this dynamic language across 15 lessons, and it’s on sale for over 90% off.

Starting with the basics, this training walks you through using JavaScript to build applications with popular frameworks, like Angular. Next, you’ll explore key modern tools in the JavaScript ecosystem to create crisp visualizations and improve the efficiency and performance of your code. Then, you’ll get a hands-on look at building mobile applications using Angular and Ionic to round out your training.

Now, the Essential JavaScript Coding Bundle generally retails for $1,393 CAD, but you can get it on sale for only $37 CAD [$29 USD], saving more than 90 percent off the usual retail price.

Source: SyrupDeals

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