
Prepare to Ace The CompTIA+ IT Exams with This 8-Course Training

There’s no debating the fact that there’s money to be made in the tech sector. In fact, when Glassdoor released its top 25 jobs of 2016, eight of them came from the tech field. As the industry continues to grow and make strides in developing new hardware, programs, and the like, the need for skilled IT professionals grows as well. But, before you can cash in on the demand, you’ll need to certify your skills.

CompTIA is the leader in professional IT certifications, and having one or two under your belt can open up a wide array of career doors. Whether you’re looking to get into network administration or security, CompTIA boasts a number of industry-favored certifications that can validate your skills to employers, and with the Ultimate CompTIA+ Lifetime Certification Bundle, you can prepare to ace them for over 90 percent off.

Boasting eight user-friendly courses, this collection is loaded with instruction to help you ace CompTIA’s certification exams in cloud computing, network security, administration, and more. From maintaining computer technology to mitigating hacking risks in a company network, the Ultimate CompTIA+ Lifetime Certification Bundle gives you the training to refine and certify your IT knowledge.

The Ultimate CompTIA+ Lifetime Certification Bundle normally retails for $3,159 CAD, but you can get it on sale for $61 CAD [$49 USD], saving more than 90 percent off.

Source: SyrupDeals

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