
Artists on Spotify can now share donation links on their profiles

You can donate as much as you want

Spotify is rolling out an update that allows artists to use its platform to promote donations to fundraisers, themselves and other causes.

This gives popular musicians a way to promote social causes like COVID-19 relief, and smaller indie acts can use it to help generate cash during self-isolation.

This is one of the many ways Spotify is trying to support artists as they’re stuck at home and unable to perform shows. This update was announced at the end of March, but it just started rolling out recently.

When you tap on one of these donation buttons, you’re brought to a CashApp page where you can select how much you want to contribute. However, I’ve only been able to find one band (Boy Scouts) with this feature, so other musicians may use different payment platforms.

Either way, in my experience, the feature works as expected, and hopefully, it ends up helping some people generate revenue.

Via: The Verge

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