
Pixel 3’s low-light Night Sight camera mode now available to use

Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL owners in Canada and the world over can now take full advantage of Night Sight, Google announced today.

The camera mode, first shown off by the search giant at its fall hardware event in New York City earlier this year, allows Pixel 3 and 3 XL users to take properly exposed photos even in the most challenging of lighting conditions.

To access Night Sight, first update the Google Camera app to its latest version. The mode is then accessible via the ‘More’ tab of the camera app. Additionally, the camera app will proactively suggest users take advantage of Night Sight when it detects there’s little in light a scene.

Night Sight works by snapping multiple several second long exposures and then combining those images into a single shot.

I’ve been using Night Sight alongside the Pixel 3 this past week while visiting Paris and London. The results are obviously impressive, far surpassing what we’ve seen from similar offerings from other smartphone manufacturers.

However, as with all low-light modes of this type, there are limitations to Night Sight. Due to the mechanics of how the mode works, it’s not ideal at capturing movement. In the third shot below, you can see how the waiter in toward the right side of the frame is blurred. Best use cases involve nighttime cityscapes, like in the first shot below, as well as posed selfies and group shots.

Moreover, in several of the other images, there’s a loss of highlight detail, with several lights sources coming off as pure white.

Still, what’s here is impressive and yet another major selling point for the Pixel 3.

Once you’ve had a chance to use Night Sight, let us know what you think in the comment section.


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