
Copied makes cutting and pasting a dream [App of The Week]

Copied integrates into your phone and expands the clipboard

‘Copied’ is an iOS and Mac Clipboard Manager that makes it easier to copy text and images on your iOS device.

The app works by adding everything a user copies to the clipboard, to the Copied app as well. This allows you to save multiple links or text passages in one convenient location, and then paste them again at will.

There are multiple ways to add items to the app. First, you can copy it regularly and then open up the app to save it automatically. This method only works for one copy at a time though, so you have to reopen it every-time you want to save something.

The second option is to use the in-app browser instead and in it every item the user copies is saved.

The third method is through a notification widget that also works by just pressing the little plus button on the widget to add text to the app.

The final way to add items to Copied is through the iOS share sheet — the little box with an arrow pointing up button — allowing the app to save anything that is supported by the share sheet button as well.

There is also a keyboard that comes with the app that users can choose to enable. This makes it possible to access what is saved in the Copied app when typing to easily paste things.

Copied can handle regular text, links and images that can be in most of the regular formats like, JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Once items are in the app, users can edit them and save the source URL as well.

Copied is free but there is a Clipboard+ that cost $3.99 CAD to upgrade. The paid version adds the ability to copy items to multiple lists and iCloud syncing with Mac. The free version is limited to only having 10 items in the apps clipboard and can’t use most of the more advanced features.

There is also a mac app that costs 10.99 but has no limitations to how many items can be copied to it. If users have the Mac app and Copied+ on mobile, then they can also use iCloud to sync their saved items across multiple devices.

Copied can be downloaded from the iOS App Store and the macOS App Store.

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