
Start Your Hacking Career for a Price You Choose

Cybersecurity is a hot-button issue in today’s digital world, and with the cost of cybercrime estimated to reach $2 trillion by 2019, it’s safe to say that learning how to fend off hackers and cybercriminals is a wise investment to make both for your own security as well as your career down the road. With the Pay What You Want: White Hat Hacker 2017 Bundle, you can take the first step towards becoming an ethical, or “white hat” hacker, and cash in by protecting businesses from imminent cybersecurity threats, and it can be all yours for a price you choose.

Here’s how the deal works: Simply pay what you want, and you’ll instantly unlock two of the collection’s 8 courses. Beat the average price paid, and you’ll get the remaining six at no extra charge!

Ideal for programming novices and veterans alike, this collection boasts 8 comprehensive courses on the concepts that are fundamental to securing networks. From Wi-Fi hacking with Kali Linux to creating Trojans via Python, this course bundle will train you with the tools ethical hackers use to safeguard networks and sniff out vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by malicious invaders.

Simply choose your price, and you can get your ethical hacking career started with the Pay What You Want: White Hat Hacker 2017 Bundle.

Source: SyrupDeals

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