
How uTalk Helps You Master New Languages on the Move (Black Friday Pricing)

From improving your multi-tasking skills to staving off Alzheimer’s, there’s a myriad of positive cognitive benefits that can be linked to learning a second language. Unfortunately, taking the time to do so is easier said than done given our busy schedules, however, uTalk Language Education is looking to change that through its 130+ language curriculum that can be accessed on any device at any time. Plus, lifetime subscriptions are going on sale at a new Black Friday price drop, saving you dividends off the normal prices!

Here’s the breakdown:

UTalk 1 language – $12 CAD [$10 USD] ($12 CAD off) 
UTalk 6 languages – $25 CAD [$20 USD] ($12 CAD off)
UTalk 12 languages – $38 CAD [$30 CAD] ($25 CAD off)
UTalk 22 languages – $76 CAD [$60 USD] ($51 CAD off)

With a lifetime subscription to uTalk, you can study under native voice artists and discover real, practical vocabulary that you can apply in everyday situations. You’ll validate your understanding by playing speaking games and measure your progress as you go. What’s more, you can access your account from any device so you can pick up where you left off anywhere.

Sign up now, and you can start your language education with uTalk for a fraction of the normal price!

Source: SyrupDeals

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