
PSA: BlackBerry 10 having problems resolving CalDAV calendars through Gmail

For those lucky few who have received, or are about to receive, a BlackBerry Z10, there’s a couple things you should know. First of all, it’s a great phone.

Second of all, BlackBerry 10 is currently experiencing problems importing Gmail calendars through CalDAV, the much-ballyhooed syncing protocol the company adopted recently. This doesn’t look to be a Google problem, but rather a BlackBerry problem parsing certain information from the calendar.

BlackBerry has thrown up a Knowledge Base page to address the issue, but claims that “This is a previously reported issue that is being investigated by our development team. No resolution time frame is currently available.”

If you’ve previously added a calendar to your BlackBerry 10 device, don’t attempt to edit it, as it will cause syncing problems. We’ll update this post when the problem is resolved.

Source: BlackBerry Knowledge Base

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