
Bell continues to offer Palm Pre promos… now giving $15 off monthly Smartphone Combo Plans

Back in March Bell offered a promo to all customers who purchase a Palm Pre on any Smartphone Combo plan will get $10 off their plan the entire duration of their contract. If you’ve been waiting for a better deal your time might have arrived!

Not only can you get the Palm Pre for the rock bottom sell-off price of $0.00 on a 3-year (or the no-contract price of $299.95), but Bell has increased the amount you’ll get back to a very good $15 per month… that equals a whopping $540 in savings. I love Palm’s webOS, but I love it more when carriers drop rates.

What do you think? You going for it? Do you think the drop is because of all the recent competition or to get rid of inventory?

(Thanks Toni!)

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