
Opening weekend Palm Pre deals

palm-pre-deals-canadaFor those wanting to get a Palm Pre this weekend we’ve rounded up some deals so you can make sure you’re getting the best value.

we saw Walmart with the best prices for the Pre, even throwing in a $50 give card which can be applied to the Pre. You can get it there for on a 3-year contract for $198.83; 2-year contract: $448.83; 1-year contract: $548.83 and 30-day for $598.83.

At Future Shop they have created an “exclusive” package called the “Platinum Pre Bundle”. It’s basically the Palm Pre on a 3-year contract with a Jawbone Prime Bluetooth headset thrown in (good for the cellphone driving ban). This is for $249.99.

Over at Best Buy they are offering the Pre up for $199.99 on a 3-year, but have thrown in the option to purchase Pre accessories for 50% off. So you’ll be able to get the Touchstone for $39.99.

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