Apps & Software

Apple App Store approval time decreases drastically to 2 days

According to data on AppReviewTimes.com, the average approval time for the App Store has gone down to 1.95 days, a significant shift from the 8.8 days it used to take only a year ago, or even the five day average it held in December.

Apple’s App Store approval process is known for being lengthy, causing frustration for developers and users alike with the enforced one-week release cycle. By shortening the approval time, the store is taking a step towards building more app developer loyalty and accelerating its app revenue stream.

This change would seem to be part of Apple’s new focus on services, which have quickly become more important to the company as iPhone sales have fallen. In fact, services made up nearly 12 percent of the company’s most recent quarterly sales.

Apple started shaking things up with its App Store in December with internal leadership changes and 100 new employees dedicated to improving store search, according to a Bloomberg report last month.

On the user side, this change hopefully means we’ll see a more diverse iOS app ecosystem with a better turnover rate for updates.

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