
Text Flirting 101 by Lavalife

lg-qwertyText messaging is incredibly popular and continuing to grow in Canada. LG recently launched their new site and today I noticed a section on called “Fun Factor” where it directs you to a list of QWERTY devices they have. At the very bottom it seems they wanted to share the love and have a PDF called “Text Flirting 101”. It’s always good to understand the rules and get yourself that much closer to your end goal.

The article is done by LavaLife and they say “you can convey a message by text no matter how noisy your surroundings, without social conventions (‘Hi, how are you today?’) and maybe best for all singles, to discreetly alert your friends to the hotties on the next barstool without said hottie being any the wiser.” It goes on to say that “No doubt about it: texting adds a whole new dimension to flirting. But like anything, there are definite dos and don’ts in the text flirting game as well as acronyms that make the whole operation much smoother”.

We’ve jotted down a few for you here Article can be found here:

Texting Do’s:
Do text…

– Using acronyms when logical
– From noisy places
– During odd hours
– When riding public transit
– When you have something sweet to say
– To confirm a date

Texting Don’ts:
Dont’t text…

– In ALL CAPS (you’re basically screaming)
– Using excessive punctuation (!!!!!!)
– Too many acronyms
– While driving
– While angry
– To break a date
– Too much information

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